Rover Robot

During my senior year of high school, I captained a team that designed, built, and programmed a robot to compete in the 2019 FIRST Robotics Challenge.



  • Design a robot that can support its own weight while lowering and hanging in the competition field

  • Manipulate blocks and balls on the field

  • Program driver controlled actions with input from a PlayStation controller

  • Program autonomous actions like object recognition, driving, and servo movement


My Contributions

  • Programmed the following autonomous actions using Java and the Android Studio IDE

    • Used the linear slide arm to lower to the ground while hanging

    • Utilized camera phone, Vuforia augmented reality SDK, and TensorFlow to recognize yellow blocks and white balls

    • Servo actions

  • Programmed driver control from PlayStation controller

  • Designed and 3D printed wheel hubs and team numbers

  • Hardware assembly and design input

  • Drafted strategic plan, projects documentation, and team schedule

  • Prepared and drove robot at competitions



  • A robot that reached the state level of competition and was awarded by FIRST for design and autonomous programming



As the Youth Outreach Director for the Windsor High School FIRST WizardsRobotics program, I was responsible for sharing my engineering with the community. I organized various volunteering sessions for Lego League teams and workshops at the local library which was just as rewarding as building a robot.
